Chocolatissimo Nutella Bomb Ice Cream
Only thing was, that recipe is mainly a chocolate frozen custard with some nutella thrown in. I already have an incredible chocolate frozen custard recipe that I've done a bazillian (or is it brazillian?) times. Turning the one I already know backwards and forwards and have already made to great acclaim a bunch of times into a recipe that uses Nutella would not be hard at all.
4 cups whole milk
14 egg yolks (note the symmetry here with the angel food cake)
1/2 cup + 4 tbsp sugar
2 cups heavy cream
20 oz bittersweet chocolate, melted
1/2 cup Frangelico
1/2 cup Nutella
To melt the chocolate, break it into reasonable chunks in a microwave safe bowl

Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Stir. Repeat. Stir. Until the chocolate is around 2/3s melted. Then reduce the microwaving time to 10 seconds until the chocolate is smooth and glossy. Any little chunks still remaining will melt while you do the rest of it. If the chocolate looks like this:

You're cool.
In a stand mixer put the egg yolks and sugar together and mix well on a medium speed.

Scald the milk

Use a ladle to put the scalded milk a little at a time (this is called tempering the eggs, remember?) into the egg and sugar mixture while the mixer is running on low.

Add 1/2 cup of Frangelico

Mix well and transfer to a large saucepan over a medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. There's no substitute for the wooden spoon here. Don't even fucking try. Just use a wooden spoon.

Cook until the custard thickens and begins to coat the back of your wooden spoon.

Pour this back into the mixer's bowl through a strainer.

Use a spatula to gently force some of the curdles through. Gently.

With the mixer at a medium stirring speed, add in the melted chocolate,

the cream,

and the Nutella.

Mix at medium until smooth and glossy.

Transfer this to the freezer container for your ice cream freezer, use heavy cream, or milk, or a combination of the two to bring the level up to the full mark.
Chill for at least six hours before freezing.
This one looks totally fucking epic. I'm certain it is going to taste monsterously good when frozen.
Get your drool bibs ready for the pictures of the freezing I put up tomorrow, or late tonight. Make that late tonight. There's no way in the blue-eyed world I will be able to wait until tomorrow to get this done.