Ganache With Fresh Raspberries
I assembled the ingredients:

1 gallon manufacturing (high butterfat content) cream
24 ounces fresh raspberries
1 1/2 pounds of sweet butter
10 pounds of 72% cocoa mass bittersweet chocolate.
Next the butter is chopped up into chunks and put on a medium flame with the cream.

The big thing here, and the main thing that sets my ganache apart from the products of others is that I do not allow the cream to boil. While it's heating I whisk it occaisionally to achieve a loose liason with the cream. If the cream were to boil that would be broken. It increases both the richness and the creamy texture of the ganache. I like it that way. It's a little harder to work with and handle but I think it's worth it.
Next I chop up the ten pounds of the chocolate.

It's a coarse chop that mainly speeds and ensures an even melt when the hot cream and butter are introduced. Ten pounds chopped looks like this:

That's a turkey roaster bottom, it's a great size and shape for this. One of the easiest mistakes to make is to not have bowls and pans large enough to allow for some vigorous mixing.

Hot cream and butter mix goes over the chopped chocolate
This is slowly and gently mixed until it gets smooth and dark and glossy and sexy.
From looking like this:

To looking like this:

Then, and I like this part, I take my hands and moosh up the berries. I've used an old fashioned potato masher, but this is far more fun.

That goes into the ganache:

Mixed evenly, then covered closely and into the fridge overnight. Where it is waiting to be rolled into nearly 16 dozen balls this afternoon.
10lb batches, is about as big a batch as I have been able to manage by myself. The 500 truffle order I have means that I get to do this two more times over the next five days.
My work is cut out for me. I love it.
big brass blog
What effect, if any, does the liquid in the berries hae on the ganache? How do you allow for it?
Ten pounds of coarse-chopped chocolate = OW! OW! OUCHY! Yum...
depending on the juiciness of the berries it can make it too loose. alhtough adding in some shaved chocolate will stiffen it right back up. it's the part of working with the stuff that requires the voodoo touch. over the years i've just gotten so i know by feel whether or not it needs a punch up one way or the other.
oh god, oh my...
happy bunny day to you and yours!
chocolate and..!
Oh, my, that looks so good it makes my teeth ache.
Martha Stewart -- ganache-girl -- eat your heart out!
MB, you are bringing a little bit of heaven to your recipients. (Me, being the purist I am, I'd be a happy girl if you put some of those berries in a bowl and poured a bit of cream on top... maybe a small bit of chocolate for my other greedy little paw.)
Thanks for the food porn! I'm gettin' a stiffie.
smooth and dark and glossy and sexy.
Sexy is damn right.
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