I Sometimes Hate to Be Right
One of the things I predicted was:
The laws that have made crossing the border more difficult have not even begun to stem this human tide. They have enriched the coyotes (pronounced COY-oh-tay) who smuggle them. Fees for being guided across have gone up over 300% in the last two years. The first effect of further clamping down border access will be to make these vile and vicious criminals far richer. They will also be certain to spend some of this new found wealth on bribing Customs and Border Patrol Agents. That's what the drug smugglers did, that's what the rum runners did during prohibition.
I did not feel proud, or the least bit vindicated to read this in today's New York Times.
An excerpt from the article:
When the Homeland Security Department was created in 2003, the internal affairs unit was dissolved and its functions spread among other agencies. Since the unit was reborn last year, it has grown from five investigators to a projected 200 by the end of the year.
So, they first transfered an entire department into a newly created cabinet department (the largest expansion in the size and scope of government in the history of the United States) and one of the first things they did was to dissolve the internal affairs division. In a very Stalinesque way that makes sense. If you're worried about the adverse publicity that is brought on by cases of corruption the simple fix is to not bring any cases of corruption into the light. Just like Uncle Joe said all those years ago, "Problem person? One bullet, one grave, no problem."
Sadly, it not only the brand new officers that have been sloppily recruited and rushed into service that are falling prey to the enticements of the smugglers. It is officers with 15, 16, even 25 years of service.
The increases in border security have brought about many changes. Just not any of the ones that were intended.
Heck of a job Chertoff! You Skeletor Looking Motherfucker.

just looking at Chertoff give me the creeps. He looks like he should be cast in an old Boris Karlof movie.
Sadly, it not only the brand new officers that have been sloppily recruited and rushed into service that are falling prey to the enticements of the smugglers. It is officers with 15, 16, even 25 years of service.
That's almost certainly a reflection of the morale damage caused by the creation of this monstrosity of a department (Lieberman's idea, btw).
sad, so sad. it's akin to drugs in a way. a very deadly, heartbreaking way.
I agree with oddjob: this department was not needed. A slapdash boondoggle, a crony outpost.
One of the few political types for whom I have a nickname is Chertoff, who is alternatively "Skeletor" or "That A$$hat Chertoff."
Others include "Cyborg Cheney", "Senator Patrick 'Go F*** yourself' Leahy", and "Princess Hillary."
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